Les girafes sont-elles dans la jungle ?

Les girafes sont-elles dans la jungle ?

Jungle animals include some of the worlds largest and most unusual creatures, but just what is a jungle? and what is the difference between a forest, a rain forest and a jungle?. The word “forest” basically means an area with a large density of trees. forests can occur in low or high elevation, can be relatively dry or very rainy, and can be of basically any temperature that still supports tree growth. A mature forest is one that may have very large trees and many species of plants and wildlife such as tropical rain forests, or may be limited in the number of species of both trees and wildlife, such as is the case with the coniferous forests found in the very cold taiga regions of the world. Rain forests are characterized by having such a thick upper canopy of growth, that little sunlight reaches the ground. this means that young trees must be able to grow with limited sunlight, and it also means that the undergrowth in a rain forest is not particularly dense. it is generally easier to walk through a rain forest than a jungle. The jungle is an area of forest that combines warmer temperatures and dense vegetation. the tree canopy is not as thick in a jungle as it is in a rain forest, allowing sunlight to reach more of the ground. Vines, shrubs, grasses and moss thrive in the lower third of a jungle making it very difficult to penetrate on foot. jungles, then, are simply warm forests that are very densely vegetated at the forest floor. and here are some of the jungle animals that live there- jungle animals.

Giraffe facts

Giraffe facts – also known as giraffe camelopardalis, it is found across the sub saharan africa and they are about nine different sub species. they can be differentiated from one another due to their blotches that are different however; they all have extra-ordinary fascinating long necks as well as other characteristics. these are some of the 5 interesting facts about the giraffes;.

Giraffe habitat and distribution

Giraffes are native to africa, especially the sub-saharan regions. their distribution includes several parts of the continent but in a very fragmented way. species and subspecies have similar habitats that include savannas, grasslands, and open forests. giraffes will move to where they need to to find food. Some people might assume that since giraffes feed on leaves high in trees, they would thrive better in thick and plentiful forests. however, this wouldn’t be good for them due to their height as they need space to maneuver. The home range for a giraffe is between 8 and 50 square miles. while these areas of habitat often overlap with other groups, they will get along just fine with that, as they do not show territorial behavior. A common problem though is that their natural habitat continues to be shrinking due to human activities, resulting in a smaller home range. as a result, they food sources are reduced. Giraffes seem to thrive in areas where the climate is very hot. they also enjoy wide open spaces that allow them to see around for predator from a great distance. while giraffes graze around for food, they can quickly flee if they need to, so their habitat needs to be one that allows them to move around freely. The south african giraffe or cape giraffe, inhabits the north of that country, south of botswana and zimbabwe, and also southwest mozambique. about 12,000 individuals are currently living in the wild and around 45 in captivity. If we go to south sudan or southwest of ethiopia, we can find the nubian giraffe. very few individuals live in zoos, and in the wild, it is unknown exactly how many survive but is estimated to be less than 250. Giraffes seem to adapt quite well to a variety of environments as long as they meet their basic needs, that is the reason they are so common in zoos.

Is the lion the king of the jungle?

A number of other big cats call the jungle their home though. bengal tigers, leopards and jaguars all live in the jungles of three different continents and are the apex predators in those environments. the most notorious jungle animal of all these cats, the leopard, is serenely at home in the trees, and although it too calls some dusty environments home, the jungle is where the leopard really shines. Stealthy, quiet, incredibly powerful, the leopard can hunt in the trees and is agile enough to pursue monkeys and other arboreal creatures high above the jungle floor. the leopard is also adept at lying in wait on a tree branch and then dropping silently down on unsuspecting jungle inhabitants such as goats and antelope. The leopard is most well known though, for its somewhat gruesome habit of hanging its prey from the limbs of trees. it does this to protect it from scavengers, and will return to large kills several times to eat on the same tree branch, safe and comfortable beneath its green jungle canopy. Uneasy is the jungle visitor who comes upon the carcass of a wild boar hanging in a tree. it only serves as evidence that the true “king of the jungle” lurks nearby. jungle animals facts.